Who doesn’t want friends? Our new feature makes all this possible with the click of a button.
Step one is to click on ‘Find Friends’ button located at the top of your page and you can scroll through all the people living in your proximity and add them to your friends list.

Step two.  Do you have a family simcha, a mazal tov, an event or invitations you want to send to all your friends at once? You now have the option to send a mass message to every friend by clicking ‘my friends’ and then ‘send message to all of my friends’. Simple!

Done! Wasn’t that easy?

As an added bonus, any members that confirm to a host for Shabbos and spend the meal together will then automatically become friends afterwards!

if someone wants the option of not having someone on their friends list they have the option to either unfriend them or block the person from seeing their profile entirely

when someone calls you their friend, you receive an email, from that email you can click i don’t agree and unfriend or block them.
