People have asked us why doesn’t work for me? No one is responding to my invitation requests! is like any matchmaking site, members will be meeting each other in person. This can be a little scary! The way that we put each other at ease is by letting others know a little bit about us.

This happens through a number of features on

* Upload a picture or six!

* Write a paragraph or two about yourself.

* Add two legitimate references with a way for others to contact them.

* Add friends. Go through and click “The Friend Me” button next to anyone you know!
A few hints & tips:

* When looking for hosts or guests, it is wise to request multiple people. The more people you invite or ask to be hosted, the more likely you are to create a match.

* If you are a host, don’t wait to be asked for an invitation!

* Help spread the word about The more members, the more matches! Plus, we can’t do it ourselves!