
Rabbi Benzion Klatzko, founder of Shabbat.com believes in the power of Shabbos music. Each week, in Monsey, NY, the Klatzko family hosts between 60 – 100 people for eating and sleeping. Every Shabbos culminates with a musical Havdalah. The soft and melodic notes and beautiful harmonies of Shelsheles’s Henay Kel and the Klatzko Havdalah are a match made in heaven.

“The hope is that we can spread Shabbat across the world using the website www.Shabbat.com”; says Rabbi Klatzko. Shabbat.com currently services Jewish people in 111 countries with 6000 invitations sent weekly. With the haskoma of some of today’s Jewish leaders including Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein, Shabbat.com is poised to unite Jews everywhere with Shabbos placements, shidduchim, and parnossa connections. Please check it out and join the world’s largest Jewish community today! http://www.shabbat.com

Shalsheles – Connections

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