It’s that time of year, and it’s almost that day- the day we have been working up to, the culmination of the Ten Days of Awe. On Rosh Hashana, we asked Hashem to give us a favorable judgment- we asked for a year of life, good health, livelihood, and blessings.

And now, Yom Kippur is almost upon us – the day of Awe on which all the judgments of Rosh Hashana are sealed.

In these ten precious days of Awe from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur, every one of our actions is loaded with the potential to tip the scales in our favor.

This Yom Kippur, partner with To bring Shabbat to Jews all over the globe, to enable Jewish singles to meet their life partners, and to help Jews all over the globe find jobs. In these last few precious hours before Yom Kippur, tip the scales in your favor- join in our holy work. Let our merits, be your merits! Please donate generously at

Thank you so much for your support, and may you be sealed for a truly sweet New Year!